Saturday we had ball games, ball games & more ball games!! We went to my two nephews games on Saturday before Jacobs game. It is so much fun to watch them play! Ryan is a great little athlete & Lance is....just Lance! Hes such a character! He hung out with his big cousin Jacob while Ryan played!!

Sunday was a day of relaxation! ha!! We went to church then Victoria had softball practice so I ran her while Chuck cut the grass & did yard work. When I got home from softball I put the second coat of paint on the basement! I didn't think I would get it done but I did!! Chuck helped me finish it!
We finally got to grill out on our new patio!! By the time we were done with dinner, we were exhausted!!
The kids have 10 more days of school left! It should really only be 8 but we had 2 snow days that we have to make up! I will be so happy when school is out! Life seems to go smoother when we don't have to worry about homework & bed times!! I love the summer!
hope all of you had a great weekend!! Already in the 70's this morning! love it!!!!